Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pre-Marathon Sunday Morning

We woke up around 5 so we could get ready and head up to breakfast to make sure there was plenty of time.  We got ready and headed up.  In the elevator I noticed that my timing tag wasn’t on my shoe because I put the wrong sneakers on!  It was early!!!  We had a bit of breakfast – bagel & PB with water so the belly would be happy.  Went back down to the room, changed sneakers, lubed up, and headed off to the start.  We only got to use the long sleeve shirts that we got at Wal-Mart since the weather was pretty decent, but I’m glad we had those.  I had my 50-cent gloves on, too, just since I had them.  We walked around, got some water, used the potty, and stretched a bit – making each other laugh about looking like we were in a SNL skit with our stretching and warm up.  Soon we decided it was time to head over to the Open Corral that we signed up for.  As we walked over, it was just a mass of humanity.  When we walked by the day before we thought the corrals seemed pretty close and tight, and we were right.  We tried to make our way up toward the lower times, but got as far as the 11-min mile marker.  There was no entry at that point so everyone just started jumping over the chain-link fence.  A boost on the bum and grab onto someone’s shoulder and you’re all lined up! 

The wheelchair race started at 7:20 and the elites were off at 7:30… and there we stood.

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